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FAQs addressing our jewellery/ring collections. If you can't find what you're looking for, please email us directly at [email protected].

What are your rings made out of?

Our rings are made from either stainless steel (including traces of copper), 316L surgical grade stainless steel, or 925S sterling silver (hypoallergenic). They do not contain nickel.

Will the rings tarnish?

Some of our rings are made from stainless steel and copper, which can result in some minor tarnishing if exposed to heat/moisture. It shouldn't get too bad over the course of you wearing it. We are currently in the process of manufacturing high-quali

How can I prevent my ring from tarnishing?

Some of our rings are made from a mix of stainless steel and copper, which can tarnish over time. This material is necessary so the rings remain flexible and adjustable. To limit the chance of tarnishing, try not to wear your ring all day every day.

How often should I wear the rings?

We recommend wearing the rings for only a few hours per day, or when you need them the most. Any longer could result in some slight tarnishing or reduce the lifespan of the ring.

How do I take care of the Sterling Silver rings?

Sterling Silver is a precious metal and may require cleaning over the lifespan of your wearing it. Here's how to clean your Calm Collective Sterling Silver ring:. This will remove any tarnish or dullness caused by general usage. When you are not wear

How are your rings different from others on the internet?

We know there are other rings on the internet that appear to be similar to ours, and for a cheaper price. However, there are many things that make our rings superior and worth their value...

How fragile are your rings?

Some of the rings we offer are quite fragile due to their fidget features. It's important to take care when taking them off and to not catch the spinning feature on your clothes.

What finger would you recommend to wear the rings on?

We would recommend wearing our rings on either your thumb or index finger. This is so that you can get the most out of the fidget feature of the ring.

Are these rings suitable for children?

Our rings must not be worn or left in reach of children under 12 years of age, as there are parts of our jewellery that, if they come loose, act as a choking hazard.